Consider donating

Your contributions go to support the work of our MINSTRIES in service to the people, maintaining the costs of operation, building and maintaining monasteries and meeting houses, furnishes temples, and so much more! We do not enforce tithes and offerings with fear tactics as other churches do. We believe that donation should be a CHOICE and one that brings joy to the giver and also brings joy to the individuals those contributions support. Blessings are returned to the giver via laws of universal reciprocity; the angels and spirits are always ready to serve those who serve others. And of course, your donations are tax detectable. Click Here to donate through PayPal.
If you wish to support a SPECIFIC facet of our ministry, please make a note with your donation. Offerings of over $250 will need an authorized receipt from the church for your records in case of IRS audit, for your ability to write the full amount off as a deduction. All donations under $250 are an automatic tax deduction. Certain types of donations have specific rules for tax codes, if in question feel free to ask.

© Copyright Free Church of the Magi