
We do not have a 'lay membership' but our 'sacerdotal clerical members' are here to serve ALL people. We welcome all to participate in our ministries, and those showing merit and qualifications for ordination may be invited to join the clergy in ordainedSERVICE to the church (the people) with all the privileges and protections associated with clerical work.

A church is a body of people. A body has many members or parts that work together to function. In this Faith Based Organization, we do not manage lay members or require oaths of conduct UNLESS a 'member' is called by God and set apart as clergy, thus dedicated by serious obligations to sacerdotal duties. We may contract with lay people for certain projects and goals, and the obligations of private contract are specific to each agreement individually. In this church, we define 'Ordained Members' as certain parts of the body serving the whole body with a specific purpose. For example, a right hand may be more disciplined and skilled than a left hand, thus the right hand is used more to accomplish a task, often assisted by the left hand, and arm, a foot etc Not all members of the body are useful for every task, thus they are selected based on their merits for work in the ministry. 
We do not host an active "lay-membership" as most churches recognize a 'membership'. The ordained sacerdotal clerics maintain the church with priestly obligations that set them apart as servants to the church, and therefore are the only ones obligated by oath to dedicate their lives to the ministry. The clergy are of the sacerdotal class, having given up certain personal worldly comforts for dedicated service to others. Therefore, we do not obligate lay people to the priestly class unless they show a fervor for service, a desire to help others selflessly, have proven their dedication to a higher power by patterns in their life that have proven their meritocracy and true disposition for spiritual gifts, and are also willing to take oaths of obligation to serve fully under the added blessings and protection of ordination. Those who care for the church will be cared for by the church.

 Sacerdotalism is the belief that priests/priestesses are essential mediators between God and man. A clergy member has dedicated one's life to truth, serious study of holy writ, and values the work required of a servant to the people. The word sacerdotal comes from the Latin word for “priest” and literally means “to make sacred.” Therefore, we do not have a 'public membership' roster except for the active clergy serving the church, which service is to the people. We host and facilitate sanctuary and opportunities for the people to serve one another. All visitors, investigators, and people consisting of the church body are "guests" until ordained and therefore we do not require any rites to become a 'member' as all people have the capacity to be the temple of God who house a portion of God's holy spirit. We are all divine as we let divine light in. It is not the lay 'members' who make decisions for the church at large, but those who have been called by God and proven their worth by their merits to hold the obligations of church management.

"Many are called but few are chosen" Mathew 22:14

True clergy does not call themselves to the ministry, but by 'God'. In fact, it is a bit of a red flag when an individual calls themselves a "leader" or a "lawmaker" for the master was very clear on the subject, that "... whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." This is based on one's own meritocracy in living in accordance with higher laws, one may be called to serve the people/church in an ordained capacity. They are chosen by those who are already ordained and supported by a vote of confidence by the people they serve. This has always been the tradition in the sacerdotal class. Those with true spiritual gifts show natural abilities to serve others and by their merits are called to the ministry with all of the privileges and protections vested in those positions of service. Thus, the actual 'ordained members' of the body/church are those who have been formally obligated to duties that require taking specific action for the people and are held to a higher standard of conduct.

This 'church' looks after all people, not just those to profess to be 'Christian', as we are truly dedicated to the unification and gathering of the tribes into ONE TRIBE. This requires co-existence with people of many faiths who revere 'God(s)' through many different names and expressed in a variety of different types of worship and personal beliefs that contrast greatly at times.
Can you be a Pagan AND a Christian? Well, that depends on what YOU believe. Are you a polytheist? Then of course you can embrace both Paganism and Christianity. You see, many Pagans claim to be polytheists, yet have a problem with Christianity, which is not being a good polytheist at all. We seek to eradicate the attitude that only certain Gods have value while others do not. True polytheism embraces the validity of the divinity of all Gods. The aim of Christianity has always been to LOVE EVERYONE, and that includes loving people who may have different Gods and customs.

If you're only interested in a monotheistic approach to enhancing your spirituality and finding deeper meaning in life, we recommend looking into Esoteric Christianity. If 'plastic Jesus' isn't working for you, we suggest exploring the inner Christ. In esoteric Christianity, the religion of the Christ is taught as a mystery religion. We welcome all good people seeking for truth and light who have a common goal to coexist peacefully together as one tribe.

tithes  & Offerings

Unlike most traditional churches, we do not strictly enforce that the law of tithing be paid in money.
And we only require tithes of those that are being supported by church welfare. Otherwise, donations and tithes are voluntary.
 We encourage service work among the church, and we encourage the people to help one another. If you wish to support the ministries of the church, Tithes and offerings paid as acts of kindness to humanity should be a choice rather than the dogmatic and spiritually coerced money hoarding perpetuated by churches who fail to understand the true 'spirit of the law'; that spiritual contribution is between you and the creator/universe. We believe that donations and tithes should be a choice. However, if you are being supported by church welfare, then you have an obligation to pitch in where you are able to pay it forward so someone else can benefit from church assistance. We help one another best when we do it together.

We are however a church and we do rely on the generous donations from members and supporters to keep this church operable and available to you. All donations are tax deductible and are repaid to you through the universal laws of reciprocation. Your donations come back to you in blessings manifested in other ways. The angels and divine beings are always watching and ready to serve those who 'pay it forward'.
To make a tax deductible offering CLICK HERE.

We are also supported through fund raising for our ministries, and fees associated with coursework and retreats/revivals as it takes a lot of investment, time and effort to make these resources available to you. For members that show extraordinary merit, scholarships are available. Money should never be a qualification for ascension, so we do our best to balance church expenses with divine laws that keep the flow of abundance sufficient for the ministry. If you have the ability to donate funds to our great work, and you choose to, we are grateful and so are the lives you touch with your contributions. 

Creed Declaration of Beliefs:

1. We believe that men and women are equal, and the opportunity to serveis based on meritocracy; on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than natural gender, wealth or social class. Advancement is based on performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement.

2. We believe in protecting the sanctity of marriage and that healthy boundaries are necessary to foster a healthy spiritual community. We believe that family togetherness is vital to the positive evolution of the human family.

3. We believe a spiritual journey up the mountain is different for every path walker, but at the summit all receive the same 360 degree view. We believe in honoring each individual's path as they strive to reach the same point of elevation.

4. We believe magick is real and any use of this power should be only for the glory of 'God/Universe' in protecting and preserving the divine light in humanity and for the development of each individual soul.

5. We believe all life is sacred and should be treated with care to maintain proper balance. We strive to protect nature as we nurture and preserve the spirits that dwell in nature. Nature is one of our best teachers and we should maintain our own natures and impulses in proper balance so our own spiritual ecosystem is healthy and thriving with life and expression. By violating natural laws, there are consequences. As above, so below. By maintaining proper care of the spirit and the body in equilibrium, like a gardener tending a garden, we can grow many good fruits.

6. We believe that our bodies are the natural temples where our spirits dwell and we should care for our bodies with proper hygiene, psychical activity, and good nutrition. We should protect our bodies from harm and protect our DNA for it is the sacred chain of life and the genetic history of the human family.

7. We believe that physical touch carries energetic transmissions and should only be exercised between consenting individuals. All physical boundaries of individuals shall be respected to maintain the safety and personal security of all members in the church body. Rituals and initiations that require physical touch are fully informed to candidate before laying of hands is received etc.

8. We believe that liberty is a precious thing and should be protected. We seek to co-exist, peacefully with others in tolerance and also to protect personal liberty. We also believe that we should not violate the liberty and free will of another. All things decided under informed consent between parties as we seek to relate to our fellows with love and patience. When someone harms another they forfeit their right to liberty for taking the liberty of another and should come under judgment of proper authorities. Accusations may be brought to a counsel under two or three witnesses. We will not harbor criminals or abusers, and they will be swiftly dealt with. We will report serious offenses to the proper legal authorities if necessary. Otherwise, all information of membership is kept confidential.

9. We believe seeking for knowledge is a divine pursuit and that developing oneself in the sciences and arts are expressions of divine light. We encourage creativity, personal development and free thought.

10. We believe in personal accountability and in dealing honestly with others. Our word is our bond. All choices have consequences, and we strive to make the very best choices no matter what circumstances we are in. We strive to overcome our own weaknesses and to admit when we are at fault so we can make restitution if necessary, and move forward with new light.

© Copyright Free Church of the Magi